Start the day smarter ☀️ How often do women giving birth at individual hospitals experience heart attacks, seizures, kidney failure, blood transfusions or other potentially deadly problems? Notable deaths in 2023 Human trafficking laws
Death sentence; Romanian extradition; 'goon squad': Extremism news
Man from Oregon standoff loses $50 million lawsuit: Week in extremism
To cover the rise of authoritarians, they had to flee their home country
What did Pentagon do to stop extremists? Two years later, few answers
California State University faces music on sexual misconduct failures
What to expect in sexual abuse trial of ex-SJSU athletic trainer
Border crossings are down. Is Border Patrol's new app the reason why?
EPA keeps Seresto flea collar on the market, but requires more reports
Senate eyes reforms after Peace Corps worker killed woman in Africa
Ray Epps sues Fox: This week in extremism news
As floods drench the Northeast, aging dams face a critical test
Million-dollar fine for Proud Boys after vandalizing church
As a boy, he was targeted by Trump. This week, his city redeemed him
Extremism in Florida? Here's the news we're watching this week
As Florida immigration law arrives, families face impossible choice
Biden said family separations were 'abhorrent.' Why is DOJ fighting relief claims?
DNA could be the key to solving case of missing Milwaukee girl
True crime podcast
Extremists were scarce at Trump's court hearing. Where did they go?
50 sickened by fumes from cured-in-place pipe project near school
What happened to Alexis Patterson? Reporters look to Ohio for answers.
The state of extremist groups, and public brawls, at U.S. school boards
Moms for Liberty co-founder defends group amid 'extremist' labeling
'Moms' group behind school board fights labeled 'extremist' by SPLC
Two more infants die using recalled Boppy lounger